My Tooth Just Broke in Half. What Do I Do?

If You Have Just Broken Your Tooth in Half, it is a Dental Emergency, and You Should Contact a 24-Hour Dentist Now For the Optimal Outcome.
Most San Francisco patients have never fractured a tooth, so you may have no idea what to do now and are probably in excruciating pain. It is important that you try to remain calm so that you can follow the instructions necessary for the best possible outcome.
Your broken tooth can be saved, in most cases, if you contact a 24-hour dentist right away. Waiting until your dentist is available is ill-advised because once your tooth has undergone this sort of damage, there is a very small window of time before an infection can begin to set in, causing further damage that may require more invasive procedures. We’ve created a plan of action for our San Francisco patients to follow that is simple, yet thorough and informative.
First Things First
Patients in San Francisco who have just sustained a broken tooth should contact 24-hour dentist, Dr. Skoulas now so we can fit you into our schedule as fast as possible.
What Should I Do Next?
What you do between the time that you break your tooth in half and when you see a 24-hour dentist is crucial, so it is imperative that our patients be aware of exactly what they should do to maximize the odds of saving the broken tooth.
Rince your mouth with lukewarm water and then if your broken tooth is the result of any kind of trauma to the face, apply ice to the affected area of your face. For the inevitable, often extreme pain that accompanies a broken tooth we recommended Tylenol for San Francisco residents who don’t have any medical conditions prohibiting the use of acetaminophen products. This is obviously a mild over the counter medication that will have to suffice until you see our 24-hour dentist, Dr. Skoulas, for a proper examination where a more effective pain medication is typically prescribed. Although we realize that this is a stressful, painful, and frightening situation, it is in your best interest to stay as calm and still as you can, as unnecessary activity can exacerbate the problem.
What To Expect When You Get Into the Dental Chair
Once you arrive at your 24-hour dentist’s office, you can expect to be given a full oral exam, and in most cases, x-rays will be taken. You will be treated right away; the exact type of treatment you’ll receive will depend on how extensive the damage to your tooth is. Dr. Skoulas is equipt to perform operations immediately if needed. Following treatment for your broken tooth, San Francisco residents will be given complete instructions on how to care for their injured tooth, and you will receive a prescription at that time.
Some of our San Francisco 24-hour dental patients may need to see Dr. Skoulas for follow-up appointments. Even if you feel like your healing properly and aren’t experiencing much pain, the possibility of an infection or another unforeseeable condition can still occur. It is always best to err on the side of caution when you’re dealing with something as important as the health of your smile.
If you’ve just broken your tooth in half, do not delay! Call 24-hour dentist, Dr. Skoulas now at (415) 757-0110.
The post My Tooth Just Broke in Half. What Do I Do? first appeared on Skoulas DDS - The SF Cosmetic Dentist.