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Same Day Crowns in San Francisco, CA

Same Day Crowns

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic 

Dr. Skoulas has been specially trained to use CEREC technology to create long-lasting, lasting, aesthetic restorations. Advancements in materials and technology have provided many options for excellent restorations that can both look great, provide superior strength compared to other restorations, and reduce the need for multiple visits to the office.

Using a 3D intraoral scanner, Dr. Skoulas can create a digital impression without using traditional trays, improving patient comfort. The restoration(s) is then designed using advanced computer 3D technology that can analyze the interaction of the new restoration with your other teeth.

Using CEREC"s technology and her expertise, Dr. Skoulas will create the final restoration in a CEREC milling machine in her office. This new restoration is made from a tooth-colored ceramic material that offers both durability and strength that may surpass that of many restorations produced in a dental lab.

Depending on the procedure(s) being performed, your dental restoration(s) may be able to be placed on the same day or the next day instead of waiting one to two weeks for the permanent restoration to be created in an offsite laboratory. Speak with Dr. Skoulas to see if CEREC restorations may be right for you.

Visit our Porcelain Crowns Smile Gallery for More Transformations!

Looking for a practice in the San Francisco area? Contact us at 415-757-0110 to schedule an appointment today!

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Skoulas DDS - The SF Cosmetic Dentist

450 Sutter Street, Suite #1616
San Francisco, CA 94108

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